Top 5 reasons to write for an Online Magazine

It’s safe to say that all bloggers enjoy writing and we must admit that writing is one of the greatest forms of self expression ever invented besides porn(just kidding).  In fact, most bloggers write so much that they have become pretty damn good at it. So why not look for other ways to express oneself with the written word? As we all know, there are tons of various opportunities that present themselves right here on the web. One great example of this is Online Magazines. Let’s take a look at the top 5 reasons why writing for an online magazine is a good idea.

1. Exposure

An online magazine is a great way to gain exposure for yourself and you skills as a writer to a wider audience. This would be a great way to further market yourself and gather more Twitter followers and Facebook friends as well as plug any other projects you may be associated with.

2. Experience

Writing for an Online Magazine will provide you with additional experience in working with an editor or editorial team as well as collaborating with other writers and artists. In many ways this will push you to become a better writer by needing to meet deadlines, word counts or investigate assigned stories in a journalistic capacity. It’ll look good on a resume.

3. Your Peers

Collaborating on an Online Magazine with your peers will make you a better writer, but will also allow you to make those valuable connections with people in your chosen profession that will be useful to you in the future as you progress in your career as a writer or journalist. It’s good to have friends in the writing game….isn’t it?

4. Creativity

Oftentimes in the world of Online Magazines you may be assigned a story idea from your editor that may put you out of your comfort zone. This is good, because it will force you to further tap into your creative gene which, let’s face it- all writers possess. In addition, most Online Magazines aren’t anally astringent on how that creative content is expressed, further allowing you- the writer/artist to explore the outer reaches of your personal creative universe.

5. Nowhere to go but up!

In most cases, Online Magazines are start-ups, or have not been publishing online for very long. The drawback is-if you are looking to make money immediately then you may be disappointed. However, if you are willing to stick it out and help build a quality Online Magazine that does go on to become successful then you will move up right along with it. Imagine writing for some crazy start-up magazine called Rolling Stone or Playboy, it might have seemed crazy then, but now, not so much.

OK, so here comes the sales pitch. Don’t think of it as a sales pitch though, just an opportunity. We have been building up our capitol to start an online magazine and are looking for writers, artists, editorial types or all the above to join us as we start down this dangerous road of periodical publishing. This assignment is only for those with True Grit….and we are chock full of that, are we not?

If this is something that would interest you or if we have sparked your curiosity, we would love to here from you, please leave a comment or email me the editor-in-chief (how did I get that honor?) and I can fill you in on all the juicy details or answer any of your questions, or follow us on Twitter @playamonk for updates. We are putting out the call. Who will answer?